
◎ Why work with Route?

We at Newpowa chose to work with Route due to the fact that they take the hassle out of package protection. As a result, you’ll enjoy added peace of mind when ordering solar solutions through our website with the help of Route.


Upon extensive customer research that we’ve conducted, most of our customers are still worrying about the delivery aspect of online shopping. But with Route, that ends today.

◎ What is Route?

Route is an optional package protection service that safeguards you in the event of lost, stolen, or damaged packages. It also helps you track everything you’ve ordered through Newpowa in one single place.

◎ Benefits of using Route

 Added package protection (lost, stolen, or damaged)

 Track all your packages in one place

 Peace of mind shopping

100% optional

◎ How does it work?

▶ Step 1: Add Newpowa products to your cart

▶ Step 2: Proceed to check out

▶ Step 3: Opt-in to Routes’ service, as you are opted out by default

*How is the price determined?

For orders below $100, the current pricing is $1.95

For orders over $100, the current pricing is 2.5% of your order subtotal

Please note the pricing may fluctuate due to:

✿ Market demand

✿ Seasonality

✿ History

▶ Step 4: Download the Route app, and track/manage your package(s)

◎ Helpful Links

◎ Route Customer FAQ


Route is a completely optional Package Protection Service. We also provide separate standard warranties on all our products.