18th Apr 2022

Solar panels are worth the investment because they provide you with unlimited, affordable, and renewable solar energy. While purchasing your solar panel, you may have wondered about its maintenance and repair. You may think, “How do I maintain my panel?” or “How often should I maintain it?” You might even ask, “Why is my solar panel not working?” or “What do I do if the panel stops working?”

Let’s discuss the overall maintenance of a solar panel. For starters, solar panels usually don’t require much maintenance, which means you don’t have to work as hard. The best equipment to clean the panel is a common garden hose or leaf blower. Cleaning the panels on an average of four times each year is more than enough to ensure the optimal performance of your system. When cleaning, it’s important to check for any dirt, debris, droppings or leaves to make sure they don’t affect the panels’ ability to absorb sunlight. If your panels are mounted at an angle, the rainy season plays to your advantage in that it naturally washes away most dirt and debris, so if you’re in a location that gets a lot of rain, you may only need to clean your panels twice a year at most; ensuring to clean them off after any severe snow- or sandstorm.

At times when a panel shows a decline in performance, it’s important to check for any dirt, debris or leaves blocking the PV cells before going straight to troubleshooting. On the contrary, if your solar panel or system stops working or drastically declines in performance, there could be other reasons for this. The first being the improper placement of the panels which causes shading and could lead to a partial short circuit. The second possibility could be a loose wire in your solar configuration, which usually connects the PV cells to an inverter or solar battery. Even the smallest flaw in the wiring could cause a connection failure, which is why it’s crucial to check that all the wiring is intact and in appropriate order. The third possible reason might be an issue with the quality of the panels and components, which may cause internal damage to your overall system. In any case, it’s always best to contact the seller to review and determine the causes of the panels malfunction and the best course of action to take. Most solar panel companies offer warranties on their panels ranging anywhere from 5 to 30 years, which can help in deciding whether to repair or replace the panel. Furthermore, if any external damage occurs to the panels that’s clearly visible, you should also contact the seller to discuss the situation.

As a Newpowa customer, you can always reach out to our Support Team if there is a concern or dispute with our solar panels or components, or if you’ve simply encountered any general system issues. To contact us, you can easily submit a ticket on our website at even if you buy our products from other platforms such as Amazon or eBay. When submitting a ticket, we ask that you include your email, order ID number (or confirmation/receipt number) and a detailed description of your concern/problem. Be sure to include any supporting images (if applicable).

At Newpowa, we value our customers’ feedback and opinions, and we do our very best to resolve any issues in a timely and satisfactory manner. Below is the link to submit a ticket on our website:

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your off-grid solar panel system!