25th Aug 2022

Gas generators have been the go-to for many people when it comes to an off-the-grid power supply. A gas generator, however, was a great piece of equipment to have prior to the common adaptation of solar technology in the masses. Keep reading to learn more on the pros and cons of gas/fuel generators versus solar generators and which is the most beneficial overall.

Let’s begin by talking about gas generators. Gas generators are relatively small, allowing them to be stored and transported easily. Additionally, they are very easy to operate, requiring only the flip of a switch to power on, in addition to adding fuel in the generator. After this, all that is needed to keep that generator going is to put oil in it and keep adding fuel to it. Despite all of this, however, gas generators are extremely heavy, due to what their components are made up of. The inside of a gas generator consists of an engine and an alternator that is powered by gasoline or diesel fuel, and this is where its disadvantages begin.

The disadvantages to having a gas/diesel generator could be the main deciding factor in choosing between that and its counterpart, a solar generator. A gas/diesel generator’s immense level of power is based on something that it will eventually run out of, fuel. Furthermore, periodic mechanical maintenance is required to ensure its longevity which could easily become very expensive long-term. Another disadvantage to gas/diesel generators is their noise pollution. Since these generators are driven by fuel, powered by a motor and have an exhaust, they become very loud, making the “Off the Grid” experience not very enjoyable. Lastly, talking about pollution, gas and diesel generators put out a lot of emissions into the environment, which is not ideal for our overall planet.

Solar-powered generators on the contrary, are a relatively new technology in today’s world, ever since their presence became more common and affordable to consumers within the last decade. The benefits of solar-powered generators are immense, so let’s go over a few of them. The first is that there is no conventional fuel required to run it since it’s used in conjunction with a power input such as an AC adaptor for wall outlets, a DC adaptor for vehicle applications, and solar panels. The first two are standard charging methods, however, having the added option of charging with a solar panel is where this product shines. As opposed to having an engine that uses fuel, solar-powered generators use solar energy to power whatever you need, all while staying silent and giving out zero emissions in the process. Another benefit of solar-powered generators is that they have many different types of outputs as opposed to conventional fuel-powered generators. You can charge phones, computers as well as power lights, CPAP machines, blow-up mattresses, and much more!

Our new 700W Portable generator is the perfect example of a great all-in-one solar powered generator. Not only is it quiet, portable, and easy to use, but it emits zero harmful emissions, has a lot of uses and applications, such as the ones mentioned above, and is a much more cost-effective way of always being prepared for emergencies such as earthquakes and storms.

As we close out this blog, it is important to note that even though conventional fuel/inverter generators have their place in an emergency, solar-powered generators are now the commonly preferred option as they are the most beneficial generator overall, especially for off-grid use.